In San Angelo town hall, Congressman August Pfluger gave updates on three issues and answered questions from constituents

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San Angelo - In a town hall at the Cactus Hotel in downtown San Angelo on Monday, Congressman Pfluger answered questions from constituents, honored a local man who helped rescue a family in a car crash on Houston Harte Freeway and recognized the family from Ozona who lost two family members after getting into a car crash caused by undocumented workers.

Before he took questions, however, Congressman Pfluger gave an update on former President Donald Trump's indictment in New York City on Tuesday, the priorities of House GOP, and HR 1, which affects Texas 11th.

On Trump's indictment, Congressman Pfluger said that Alvin Bragg was being political and that this indictment was a sham. Pfluger also mentioned that when the Justice system is politicized like he says it is with Bragg's actions, that could lead to a banana republic and failed state. Pluger also mentioned that the previous DA, Cy Vance, did not pursue this indictment, nor did Mueller in his report. However, Trump faces up to 34 counts of business fraud and is alleged to have paid off an adult film star who he slept with while married to Melania Trump.


Pfluger also mentioned a bill he has worked on with Senator Marco Rubio that would crack down on the Chinese Communist Party. He also mentioned the bipartisan support in both chambers when it came to taking authority away from the D.C. Council.

Lastly, Pfluger mentioned H.R. 1 which deals with energy resources with these provisions:

  • waiving environmental review requirements and other specified requirements under certain environmental laws,
  • eliminating certain restrictions on the import and export of oil and natural gas,
  • prohibiting the President from declaring a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing (a type of process used to extract underground energy resources),
  • directing the Department of the Interior to conduct sales for the leasing of oil and gas resources on federal lands and waters as specified by the bill, and
  • limiting the authority of the President and executive agencies to restrict or delay the development of energy on federal land.

Congressman Pfluger also answered questions from constituents on issues ranging from Ukraine funding, climate change, and funding for teachers. When talking about Ukraine funding, Pfluger defended Marjorie Taylor Greene, who asked for accounting from that money. Pfluger, who initially voted for funding for Ukraine when the war began, said he would not vote for more funding until he sees a budget to see how the money is spent.

Tomorrow, Congressman Pfluger will host the Secretary of the Air Force at Goodfellow Air Force Base. To the chagrin of some constituents, Pfluger said that the visit would not be open to the public, mainly due to Kendall's strict schedule.