Tonight at Angelo State University

While we haven't officially launched as a site yet, I wanted to share this panel I am speaking on tonight at Angelo State.

When I first returned to San Angelo from New York, I asked for help. I wanted to offer my services and my expertise to anyone who wanted it.

I was incredibly grateful to Angelo State President Ronnie Hawkins and Dr. Leslie Rodridguez who chairs the Communication and Mass Media department. Rodriguez took me up on my offer to help  and she along with RAMTV director, Don Plachno, humored me, and even let me hang around the department. They also heard me complain about the media coverage in Uvalde.

In doing that, they decided to create this event thats happening tonight. It will have Carolyn McEnrue who I've watched since KLST was a Jewel Television Station. It will also feature Senora Scott, who is extremely talented. Dr. Gamreklidze will also be a panelist. She does a great job as faculty advisor to the Ram Page.

I'll be giving the national media view of things. I'll be talking about identity and how that plays a role in news coverage. You see, it is personal to me. The gunman that went into Robb Elementary looked like me. He went into a school to shoot kids that looked like me.

There was a San Angeloan that died that day, and I believe that we have an obligation to him and the others that died to honor their legacy while also examining the media's role when tragedies like this occur.

I am very proud of the student moderators, Sage and Brady. I am very proud of the work this department has done this semester.

So I ask: if you are in the San Angelo area tonight, please join us.